
Something can happen on one screen or the otherbut you can drag it between the screens without issue. We did not know itat the time but quickly found out that we now all have photographic memory I can remember my birth from all points of view including my own as if itwas yesterday.The stock market had crashed overnight. Newspapers slowly died out as theneural connections between everyone's brain got stronger, as there was nopoint. The instant something happened we all knew about it.When the. I needed to do the yard so began mowing the front then moved onto the back…it was nearly 10 when I finished. I brushed myself and went to the fridge to see if she had made the pudding and there it was in a large bowl. Her butterscotch was the best I ever tasted…sweet with a little salty trace.I felt really grimy from the yard work and wanted to explore their house but I didn’t want to track yard stuff all over it. I decided that since I brought my trunks I’d grab a shower. I stripped down like. I now know how Gorbachev felt when the forces he unleashed under Perestroika became much more than he could handle and swept him completely in their wake. I fear that the same thing is happening to us here. I feel like we're downstream from a large dam that has just burst and has released this huge lake that had been stopped up behind it for years and is devastating everything in its wake. Whether we will be drowned in it or just deposited somewhere downstream, I just do not know what we can. Now apparently back then it was normal for a bit of fingering to go on out in dark public places, the cinema, up the canal bank, down the lane etc. But full blown sex was a no-no.Angela's best friend and her boyfriend were going to the next stage, fucking. Angela was very concerned that he might abuse her or force her and so was her friend so they told him that Angela was coming along! She'd stand outside the car and if he tied any 'funny business' then she was there to step in and bop him.
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